Er gwybodaeth, mae'r rhestrau Athrawon a Cymhorthyddion Llanw bellach wedi cael ei ddiweddaru ar Addysg Môn. Hoffwn eich atgoffa fod y rhestrau wedi cael ei leoli ar waelod y tudalen Polisiau. Gofynnaf yn garedig i chi ddinistrio unrhyw fersiynau hen sydd gennych yn yr ysgol a dim ond i ddefnyddio y fersiwn yma yn y dyfodol. Mae enwau unigolion heb DBS cyfredol wedi dileu oddi ar y rhestr nes byddwn yn derbyn tystiolaeth o’u gwiriadau ac felly mae’n bwysig i chi mond cysylltu gyda’r unigolion ar y rhestr hwn.
For information, the list of Supply Teachers and Teaching Assistants have now been updated on Addysg Mon. I remind you that the lists are located at the bottom of the Policies page. I kindly request you to destroy any older versions you have in school and only to use this version in the future. The names of individuals without current DBS has removed from the list until we receive evidence of their checks and so it is important that you only contact the individuals on the list provided.